ACE Consulting and Design, LLC has complete IFE's at the following locations:

Easterwood Airport - College Station, TX

CCL Terminal Improvements - Phase 2

Ogden-Hinkley Airport, Ogden, UT

Design of Rehabilitate Taxiways Airport Wide, Construct New Taxiway "C" and "D", Replace Edge Lights on Taxiway "D"

Lawrence Municipal Airport - Lawrence, KS

Construct New Widlife Fence

McPherson Airport- McPherson, KS

Construction of Parallel Taxiway, Taxoway Edge Lights and Reconstruct Panels on Runway 18-36

McComb-Pike County Airport, McComb, MS

Rehabilitate Runway 15-33 and North Parallel Taxiway (Project 1)

Improve Safety Area and Remove Obstruction (Project 2). 

Las Cruces International Airport, Las Cruces, NM

Rehabilitate Terminal Apron "C" (Design Only)